Our Mission Statement

It is our mission to provide high quality, relevant and timely training to businesses and individuals. We strive to deliver person-centred training which empowers our learners and helps them achieve their individual, professional and academic goals.

We achieve this by:

  • Working in an open and honest way with our staff and learners
  • Offering the most up-to-date training available
  • Designing and delivering quality programmes
  • Ensuring our trainers have the expertise and experience to deliver training
  • Collaborating with trainers, learners and other stakeholders to deliver quality courses that meet industry best practice
  • Having solid Quality Assurance protocols and procedures in place
  • Developing an inclusive ethos which promotes accessibility, equality of opportunity, and diversity
  • Making a positive contribution to communities and society in general
  • Evaluating courses and practices, and implementing change as required.


As a QQI accredited centre, Pinnacle Training offers courses that lead to awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). These currently range from Levels 3-5 on the NFQ, but we are hoping to expand our scope of provision with QQI in the near future.

Pinnacle Training is also an accredited training and testing centre for ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence), which was formerly ECDL. All our IT Trainers are Microsoft Master Instructors.

Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance (QA) process at Pinnacle is comprehensive. It has been designed to ensure that our learners receive the best educational experience possible, and our trainers are supported to develop their skills and deliver courses in line with best practice.

Our aim is to embed a quality culture within the organisation which drives decision making and standards. We strive to be transparent and accountable in our work.

View Quality Assurance Manual

Protection for Enrolled Learners

Pinnacle Training has protection for enrolled learners for courses that are longer than three months in duration.